Thursday, July 17, 2014


I somehow have specific memories for specific smells. Like how people relate moments with songs, for me I usually use smell. Its so weird cause my parents used to tell me that I couldn't sleep last time as a child if I didn't have my dad with me ((and it was an issue because I had to stay with my grandma sometimes)). They solved the problem by giving me a tshirt my dad wore. And I guess from there I just relied a lot on my nose. A permanent example I have now is that the smell of Pantene shampoo will always remind me of my first boyfriend. Not that I still feel emotionally attached but my brain has just been conditioned that way. And this is why I like to steal your hoodies or sweaters or something because it smells like you. And you're the only one I feel safe with to sleep next to ((ever since I outgrew my "not being able to sleep unless my dad was there" issue)). Yes, you're not the first guy that I've shared a bed with for a night, but you've become the only guy I wanna share a bed with. And its c r a z y how attached I've become and I'm sorry if I suffocate you sometimes but I just can't help it.

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